Pathway to Prosperity

Pathway to Prosperity

An unprecedented Batavia Pathway to Prosperity policy was instituted in March 2016 following months of dialogue between City, County and School officials. Each taxing jurisdiction agreed to re-purpose a share of future PILOT payments to leverage private investment made in the City’s central corridor, a unique incentive to advance redevelopment. A five-partner strategic alliance was born for program implementation between Genesee County, City of Batavia, Batavia City School District, GCEDC and BDC.

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Recent Robert Macon Award Winner from the Community Design Center of Rochester. Inside the JJ Newberry building the FreshLAB Restaurant Incubator opened in the spring of 2018 with two new restaurants (Eden Cafe and The Wild Rican). Also, anchor tenant Eli Fish Brewing Company is housed under the FreshLAB umbrella of start-up restaurants.  FreshLAB is a, first of its kind, restaurant incubator program developed by the Batavia Development Corporation (BDC) to address the dining and entertainment sales leakage in Genesee County.

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Ellicott Station- Savarino Companies

Ellicott Station- Savarino Companies

In March of 2016, Savarino Companies was chosen by the BDC to be the preferred developer of Ellicott Station. Ellicott Station redevelopment is the cornerstone $22 million project soon to be underway in the City to return a blighted, vacant, abandoned and contaminated site into a thriving mixed-use campus. Facilitated by the Batavia Development Corporation with support from the FLREDC CFA Round VI $1.9M Empire State Development Capital grant and NYS Department of Conservation Brownfield Clean-up Program, it is a key City of Batavia BOA redevelopment.

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DRI Round Two Winner

DRI Round Two Winner

The City of Batavia was selected as a DRI Round II winner. Recognizing that companies are increasingly seeking to relocate and invest in vibrant, walkable downtowns in an effort to attract and retain a talented workforce, Governor Cuomo launched the Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI), a multimillion follar effort to improve the vitality of urban centers across New York State. Learn more about Batavia’s plans to transform their downtown.

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About the Batavia Development Corporation

The Batavia Development Corporation (BDC) works to improve the quality of life within the City of Batavia through planning, collaboration and programming that will encourage retention and development of small business, promote additional and maximum employment opportunities, retain and enhance the community’s fiscal base and attract new business through research-based marketing and brownfield redevelopment.

The BDC is an independent organization that has assisted small businesses within the City of Batavia since 1994.

Today, the BDC is focused on attracting partners to redevelop underutilized real estate in the City’s central business district while fostering an entrepreneurial business climate. As such, the BDC has the authority to seek loans and grants from governmental agencies, especially where a local or community development corporation is the only acceptable applicant so as to benefit the community citizens and business enterprises at all levels of commerce, industrial, commercial, retail.


City Centre Redevelopment – Developer Prospectus:

As identified in the BOA Plan and DRI Investment Strategy Plan, City Centre is an identified site that is prime for redevelopment. Below is a City Centre Prospectus that has been finalized through the recent Feasibility Study performed by LaBella Associates with a goal of seeking developer interest for the redevelopment of the City Centre Campus.

City Centre Prospectus